Sunday, June 21, 2009
I will survive! by nicole longoria
One thing I must say is to remind all the self starting entrepreneurs out there to always surround yourself with people who will impact your life with positivity and an open mind. You will find they are the ones who will help you get over your self-doubts, insecurities, and most importantly your fears. A true testament of people’s characters will come to light when you show vulnerability and when that happens you’ll see who really believes in you. This in some strange way becomes empowering because it helps you to defy the odds and just helps you to become stronger and better. It’s just life!
Anyways, back to the great things happening….Kashi and I are meeting some amazing people out there enriching their communities local and abroad. Listening and learning about these causes are eye opening, concerning, and make you want to get involved. It amazes me how many people don’t get involved because of the lack of inspiration or motivation. And, for this very reason is why we are doing what we are doing to try and uplift all generations especially the nextgen to give and I am talking about sharing a few hours of your life to stimulate and encourage others who need it or even to donate a few bucks to help get a program launched to fill the needs that are missing. The message here is GET INVOLVED!
The biggest gift anyone can give themselves is self satisfaction and worth. This is what feeds your soul and keeps people living and looking forward to the next day. No one can ever take away the gratitude it gives you and euphoric state it puts you on. This is what separates you from being an ordinary to an extraordinary person. Why settle for anything less?
This is the very reason why I will continue to be me with room for growth and take the challenges being thrown at me everyday like a grain of salt. I am here to stay! So, I want to know what keeps you going when faced with unexpected obstacles? Don’t be shy because there are a lot of us going through the same daily grind. Just remember to keep smiling and do you!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
I'm baaacck!
A year ago is when the inception of this idea, to offer an online fundraising platform to non-profit organizations at no charge, came about. But, I have to tell you that this past year was absolutely needed for us to work out its bells and whistles to really nail down exactly what we want to accomplish on this journey with And, to tell you the truth, this past year was reflection time for me after working for a start-up company the past 3 years from doubling its revenue every year to building pageviews of over a few million plus each month was exciting but, so much work involved. The long hours, the constant brainstorming for cutting edge and innovative ideas were exhausting but, fun! I was drained and needed to save myself from burn out before I decided to do it all over again but, this time for myself!
I didn't realize how much I grew as an individual personally and professionally in those 3 years alone until I saw my former boss at a networking function. After being let go due to the downsizing of the company and potentially being acquired by another did not cause any unsettling feelings at all, as most would think. But, gratitude and a pleasant appreciation is what I felt instead. There is an old saying that people are put in your life for a reason and I realized my former boss was put into mine to give me a crash course in being an entrepreneur from starting a company, building it up, making it succeed, and understanding how to keep it there by learning from the decisions made good and bad. It was a blessing I was able to experience this and use it to my advantage while I help build this company and make it successful. It's a long road in front of me and I am ready to deal with everything that will be dealt my way. I understand first hand that I can't expect to move mountains without there being blood, sweat, and tears however, I do expect to slowly chisel my way through it and make a mark for the generations to come.
Everyone I have ever worked with knows I hate to fail!!!! Something I am going to have to get over in order to keep growing as a person and I am sharing my greatest weakness with you all. I have no choice but to take a deep breath and make a big leap of faith. Nevertheless, most importantly, I have a great business partner who I know has my back so, expect great things to come in the year ahead. We are rejuvenated, refreshed, re-energized and ready to help great organizations make it possible to achieve their visions while we inspire and motivate the next generation to give and make a difference. The journey has started and every day we make the most of it - have too!
Anyone out there pounding the pavement every single day and putting yourself on the front lines, I want to hear from you!