Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Hmmm…what do I look like? by nicole

Creating an image is like art. I find it in the same regards with painters who strive to reach their peak because that is what sets them apart from other painters and becomes their signature work. Well, the same goes here with creating a logo for a company. This too creates a signature for our business and identifies us visually. Now, I didn't say we were Michelangelo or Picasso but, you get the idea.

In the past month I have been working with Kashi and the graphic designer in coming up with concepts of who we are and how our name will resonate to the public. And, it has not been the easiest thing but, I love challenges and this one was great. There is so much detail involved that really made me think how do we position ourselves and what do we want to say to people in just our name and maybe a small graphic. This was bananas but, the most fun and challenging thing I have been a part of in a long time.

We didn't want anything too corporate or cheesy but something hip and cool and I think we finally narrowed it down. The anxiety of the finished product is being finalized as I write and the waiting process is no fun because, I want to see what we look like!! Our baby is coming and all I want to do is see it grow up in the years ahead.

The excitement of this journey is only the beginning of all the many trials and errors we will be making in the coming months. I am ready to face anything that comes my way all in the name of charity. Can't wait to finally put it into cyberspace and I would love any feedback regarding the logo once we get it. Please be kind and will appreciate any constructive criticism you may have.

Anyway, it is time to get back to the boring side of business like pushing paper, yuk. Then again I can't complain because I am loving every minute of it! Check back soon to see what we have been up to in the coming days.

Ciao ragazzi!

Friday, September 26, 2008

The birth of by Nicole

Have you ever wondered why you end up in certain places and meet certain people who cross your path?  I do constantly and even though I will never receive an answer for it I will continue to go with whatever life has in store for me.   I don't consider myself the most spiritual person but, time after time I am starting to understand certain sayings my grandmother use to say like, "there is a purpose in life for everyone and everything that comes your way is the answer to that….it is just up to you whether or not to take advantage of the opportunities presented."  I use to constantly ask her what is she talking about.  Well, one Saturday morning in mid-April I finally got it! 

Received an email from none other than Ms. Kashi.  Title in Caps - GOT A GREAT IDEA – and had to see what she was getting at with this one.  A few months earlier, we realized our potentials personally and professionally were being kept at bay by working for companies not suited for what our passions were in life.  There was an unspoken understanding between us that we were meant to be doing something on a much bigger scale. 

Being a news and political junkie, I read many articles and watched countless documentaries of the sufferings and injustices around the world.  Knowing I always wanted to help people who were overlooked because of their economic and social status, the time felt right more than ever to start contributing and help these causes.   And, that meant everyone from the girl scout troop raising funds to enhance themselves as better citizens or to a global cause by raising awareness and educating the importance of AIDS in poor countries.  The time to act was now and more importantly getting people of the newer generations, Gen X and the Millennials, to get involved and become the next generation of philanthropists.  Times are changing and I want to do my part in saying I too made a difference. 

So, with Kashi's idea of getting swag for a write-off and with me wanting to raise funds globally to help people achieve a better life – we combined our ideas and the birth of was formed. 

This became my way to becoming a better global citizen.